Monday, December 31, 2012

Another year, over

Hi lovely friends, those of you who are stilling hanging in there with me!

As 2012 hurries to its end, I have begun to reflect on the year that has been. What a big one. A lot of personal growth, which I always embrace, although I sometimes screw my face up when it's happening, thinking, 'what the..'. 

How has your year been?  No doubt there has been highs and lows in all of our lives.  That's living and growing isn't it.  Who wants a year of 'same old, same old'?  I hope the highs have outweighed the lows for you this year anyway.

So, this afternoon while I was busy getting to know our new Slow Cooker (thanks Mum n Dad!!), I asked my sweetheart to take a few sunset photos for me.  He's pretty darn good, take a look.....

Did you notice the little heart shaped cloud, above left.  Right place, right time.  This photo has very quickly become one of my favourites. 

So there it is, my final post for the year.  Sending you hugs, love and happiness for the new year.
Jane x

Monday, December 17, 2012

another day, done.

I was having a thoughtful little moment while walking the dog this arvy....  As the sun was retreating, the colours in the sky were beautiful and it got me wondering what the sunset looked like for you this afternoon.  When Dusty and I got home this is what I captured.  Lots of clouds of different shapes and density.  It was 34 degrees here today, perhaps a storm tomorrow afternoon will cool things down a bit.

Excuse the daggy roof next door!!
I would love to see your sunset tomorrow.
Jane x

Monday, December 3, 2012

say what?

Have to share this photo with you, taken when I was relaxing on the front lawn one afternoon recently.  I just happened to look above me and saw these two birds, probably mother and baby, balancing on the power lines overhead.

Have a great Monday.